Discussion programs

The young generation always has ideas about their future and is looking for ways that would lead to an open discussion about topics that are important to them.

The Europe 2050 project offers such space to today’s young generation. It is a space in which she will be able to speak and be listened to. We believe that discussions and the search for suitable solutions will contribute to the realization of the kind of future that today’s young generation would like to have.

The intention of the Europe 2050 project and the emerging discussion platform FORUM 2050 is to:

To create a space within individual regions or nationally, where pupils and students themselves can present the discussed topics from their point of view and lead a cultured discussion:

each other

with representatives of public and state administration,

with representatives of the economic and industrial sphere, industry associations,

with the general public etc.

To acquaint the general and professional public with the topics that today’s young generation lives by and which it formulates as essential not only for its life today, but also for the future in Europe.

To introduce pupils and students to experts and other important personalities who are preparing the future of Europe 2050 with their solutions today, and who will become discussants, mentors and speakers within the framework of individual events and topics.

To acquaint today’s young generation (students and pupils) with these topics in their real form, with the proposals, procedures and problems that the solution of these topics entails.

To show the possibilities of how students themselves – youth can actively approach various fundamental topics, enter them with their ideas, proposals, or active implementation.

To support the development of civil society and cultivate its ability to communicate in the public space, which can only be achieved through the active participation of today’s young generation in such a dialogue. Discussion platforms create this environment.

The Europe 2050 discussion program partner is the “Student Conference of the Czech Republic” platform, which was created by the signing of the Memorandum on Cooperation between the Student Chamber of the Council of Universities, the Parliament of Children and Youth of the Czech Republic and the Czech Secondary School Union.


The Europe 2050 debate program calendar in 2023:

I am interested in actively participating in the preparation and implementation of Europe 2050 discussion programs: