How can I get involved in the project as a pupil or student?

Are you a pupil or student? Are you a representative of today’s young generation and do you find the topic of the future of the Europe in which you live interesting and important?

If so, you have the opportunity to actively participate in the Europe 2050 project whose main motto and theme is “The Europe I want to live in: Europe in 2050”.

Get to know the individual activities of the Europe 2050 project and sign up or get actively involved in the one you like, is interesting for you and allows you to:

join a discussion on topics about the future of Europe

express your ideas about the changes that Europe should go through with a view to 2050

start actively realizing the future of Europe you want to live in in 2050.

Europe 2050 is a project that creates a space for the young generation to express themselves and at the same time a space where their opinions, ideas and dreams will be heard and seen.

In 2023, we have prepared these main project assets that you can actively join in various ways.

Sign up for the European art show Europe 2050 or the national art show Europe 2050 – Czech Republic. This activity is intended for pupils and students who like to express themselves in the form of art or audiovisual creation.

Discussion programs

Participate in one of the upcoming Forum 2050 discussion programs in 2023.

Prepare your own discussion program in your region related to the issue or topic “The Europe I want to live in. Europe in 2050” and submit it to the Europe 2050 project.

European conference The Europe I want to live in. Europe in 2050

Do you want to actively participate in the upcoming European conference Europe 2050 in 2023 as:


Come forward with your own conference or discussion topic and paper

Actively participate in its preparation